Jamie MacKinnon Debuts Airwell on Holmes & Holmes
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Set your PVR to record Jamie MacKinnon’s television debut on Episode 6 of Holmes + Holmes, Sunday November 11 2018 at 10pm EST.

Jamie stars alongside David Innes, Director of Sales of Radon Environmental, sharing the story of Airwell’s innovative technology in mitigating the negative health affects of radon.

You can’t see, smell or taste it, but radon is most likely present in the air that you breathe — and if you’re on a residential well — in the water you drink.

Across North America, radon is a naturally occurring gas formed as a byproduct of the breakdown of uranium in the rock and soil. As they dissipate, radon molecules get trapped in the air and water that surround us.

Fortunately, for those of us living in Renfrew County ON, radon levels remain very low as the small amount of gas that does escape gets highly diluted in the surrounding atmosphere.

However, if you are on well water there’s a 100% chance that you do have radon, so it’s wise to know the levels you’re living with. Long-term exposure to excessive radon levels can increase your chance of developing lung cancer.

Health Canada’s policy is that all Canadian homes should be tested for radon, so that homeowners can mitigate against its effects when levels are above the action guideline.

The only way to know if you have elevated levels of radon in your home or water is to use a do-it-yourself radon test kit.

If your radon test results are of concern, thanks to Airwell technology mitigation against negative effects need not be difficult or costly.

MacKinnon Water Solutions was a lead partner in the development of the patented Airwell system, which treats residential groundwater like mother nature intended, infusing your aquifer with a safe and cleansing supply of atmospheric oxygen.

Thanks to its high performance design, Airwell removes all radon BEFORE the well water enters your home. Its patented design sustains a down-the-well process, where groundwater is recirculated, oxidized and purified indefinitely without debilitating scaling or biofouling.

Designed specifically for residential well water systems, Airwell is automatic, maintenance free and requires no costly chemicals, thereby keeping operating costs to a minimum when compared to standard aeration systems.

In collaboration with Radon Environmental, MacKinnon Water Solutions installs, repairs, maintains and services Airwell systems for homes and businesses throughout Ontario, Quebec and the USA.

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